
OSYRIS Air Traffic Management software: Queue Management Air Traffic Management software: Queue Management

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Barco's OSYRIS Queue Management software for air traffic management has been designed to ensure an integrated air traffic arrival, departure and flow management, driven by the specific needs and requirements of Air Navigation Service Providers and Airspace Users worldwide. During the coming decades, air traffic management will become more and more important, due to the increase of air traffic. Consequently, also the workload of controllers at airports and air traffic control centers will rise. Barco's OSYRIS Queue Management software will help reduce operator workload and ensure a smooth and efficient air traffic flow. 

Barco's Arrival Manager software increases airport capacity and reduces controllers' workload by optimizing the traffic flow. Arrival Manager helps to make optimum use of the available resources, to make flight operations for the airlines more efficient, to improve flight profiles and avoid holding patterns, thus reducing ecological problems like pollution and noise. Arrival Manager automatically determines arrival sequences based on aircraft preferred arrival times and given operational constraints.

The OSYRIS product line also includes a 4D Trajectory Prediction engine for accurate profile calculation, taking into account aircraft type and performance, aircraft weight, airline operating procedures and preferences, meteorological information as well as flight plan information and ATC procedures. This advanced Trajectory Predictor provides active advice for the ATC controllers.

The Departure Manager is based on the algorithms of the Departure Manager prototype from the DLR (German Aerospace Center). This ATM tool supports air traffic controllers to achieve an optimized departure sequence based on selectable planning and optimization strategies.

Barco's Departure Metering tool helps synchronize departing flights from different airports in order to avoid congestion at specific merge points or route segments. Combined with Barco's other queue management components, Departure Manager helps integrate departure, arrival and transit traffic at dedicated coordination points.

The newest addition to Barco's Queue Management Tools is Collaborative Flow Manager (CFM). This automated internet-based application provides airlines with an interface to modify or prioritize planned departure times. CFM is thus a means to avoid airborne delays, resulting in less fuel consumption and reduced CO2 emissions.

The Queue Management product line provides a perfect tool set to ensure smooth and efficient traffic flow at major airports. In answer to the ever changing market needs, Barco's Queue Management components are constantly being upgraded and extended with new technology.


Why use Queue Management software?

  • Proactive network management to handle delays efficiently and in a timely manner
  • Active advice generation for ATC controllers 
  • ATC workload reduction through improved sector coordination and centralized planning
  • Interoperable tools for pre-tactical and tactical tasks
  • Highly adaptable to meet local requirements and needs
  • Reduced CO2 footprint through efficient flight profiles and ground delays 
  • Improved utilization of airport and airside resources

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